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- VR・AR industry classification system (편집) → AR•VR Industry Classification → AR•VR 산업 분류체계
- Classification of abandoned facilities or abandoned organizations (편집) → Amusement Devices or Amusement Rides Classification → 유기시설 또는 유기기구 분류
- Automobile HS Standard Interpretation Guidelines (편집) → Automobile Parts HS Standard Interpretation Guidelines → 자동차 부품 HS 표준해석 지침
- Classification of types of urban agriculture (편집) → Categories of Urban Agriculture → 도시농업의 유형
- Classification system of animal care (편집) → Classification System of Diagnosis and Treatment of Animals → 동물 진료의 분류체계
- Broad SW industry and detailed item classification analysis (편집) → Classification System of SW Industry → 광의의 SW산업과 세부품목 분류체계
- Agriculture, food, science and technology classification system (편집) → Classification System of Science and Technology for Food, Agriculture, and Forestry → 농림식품과학기술 분류체계
- Classification and list of hazardous liquid substances (편집) → Classification and List of Noxious Liquid Substances → 유해액체물질의 분류 및 목록
- Classification of Clean Air Poliy Support System(CAPSS) (편집) → Classification of Clean Air Poliy Support System → CAPSS 배출원 분류체계
- Classification of service fields for social workers (편집) → Classification of Fields of Service for Social Service Personnel → 사회복무요원의 복무분야 분류
- Classification of firefighting equipment (편집) → Classification of Fire Equipment → 소방장비의 분류
- Classification of juvenile detention centers (편집) → Classification of Juvenile Training Centers → 소년원의 분류
- Outdoor advertising classification (편집) → Classification of Outdoor Advertisements → 옥외광고물 분류
- Classification of Purpose of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households, COPNI-K (편집) → Classification of Purpose of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households → 가구에 봉사하는 비영리단체의 목적분류
- Classification of scientific and technological data (편집) → Classification of Scientific and Technological Materials → 과학기술자료의 분류
- Weapon system classification (편집) → Classification of Weapons Systems → 무기체계 분류
- Disaster & safety Industry Classification (편집) → Disaster & Safety Industry Classification → 재난안전산업분류
- List number system and assignment method (편집) → Disaster Management Resources Catalog Number System and Assignment Method → 재난관리자원 목록번호의 체계 및 부여방법
- Disease and pest information (편집) → Disease and Pest Information → 병해충정보
- Information on pests:Flower (편집) → Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Flowers → 병해충정보(작물별):화훼
- Disease and pest information:Food crop (편집) → Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Food Crops → 병해충정보(작물별):식량작물
- Disease and pest information:Fruit trees (편집) → Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Fruit Trees → 병해충정보(작물별):과수
- Information on pests:Special crops (편집) → Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Special Crops → 병해충정보(작물별):특용작물
- Information on pests:Vegetables (편집) → Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Vegetables → 병해충정보(작물별):채소
- Disease and pest information:weeds (편집) → Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Weeds → 병해충정보(작물별):잡초
- List of natural enemy insect information (편집) → Disease and Pest Information(by Disease and Pest):Beneficial Insects → 병해충정보(병해충별):천적곤충
- List of plant disease (편집) → Disease and Pest Information(by Disease and Pest):Disease → 병해충정보(병해충별):병
- List of insect species (편집) → Disease and Pest Information(by Disease and Pest):Insect → 병해충정보(병해충별):곤충
- List of phytopathogen (편집) → Disease and Pest Information(by Disease and Pest):Phytopathogen → 병해충정보(병해충별):병원체
- List of weed information (편집) → Disease and Pest Information(by Disease and Pest):Weed → 병해충정보(병해충별):잡초
- Classification of e-learning industry (편집) → E-learning Industry Classification → 이러닝산업분류
- Encyclopedia of Domestic Diseases (편집) → Encyclopedia of livestock diseases → 가축질병백과
- Glossary of Fair Trade (편집) → Fair Trade Commission Glossary → 공정거래위원회 전문용어사전
- Financial term (편집) → Financial Term → 금융용어설명
- Classification of Fire industry (편집) → Fire Industry Classification → 소방산업분류
- Practical terms of Library (편집) → Glossary of Practical Terms in the National Library of Korea → 국립중앙도서관 실무용어 해설집
- Terms of human rights (편집) → Human Rights Education Basic Terminology → 인권교육 기본용어
- Examples of industrial accident insurance premiums and business types by business type (편집) → Industrial Accident Insurance Premium Rates by Business Type and Examples of Business Types → 사업종류별 산재보험료율 및 사업종류 예시
- Children's Book Research Society Keyword Dictionary (편집) → Korea Children's Book Association Subject Heading Thesaurus → 어린이도서연구회 주제어 사전
- Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (편집) → Korean Standard Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose → 목적별 개별 소비지출분류
- The Korean Terminology of Parasites (편집) → Korean Terminology of Parasites → 기생충학 학술용어
- The Korean Terminology of Parasitology (편집) → Korean Terminology of Parasitology → 기생충의 우리말이름
- Classification of households total income and expenditures (편집) → Korean general Classification of Income, Consumption and Wealth → 가계수지항목분류
- Classification of odor emission facilities (편집) → Malodor-Emitting Facilities Classification → 악취배출시설 분류
- Terms of medicine (편집) → Medical Terminology:English-Korean, Korean-English (Korean Medical Association) → 의학용어집(대한의사협회)
- Classification of Natural history (편집) → National Classification of Biological Resources → 국가생물자원분류
- National List Portrait (편집) → National Portrait List → 초상화 국가지정목록
- Standard classification system of National Science and Technology (편집) → National Science and Technology Standard Classification System → 국가과학기술표준분류체계
- Terms that make health information easier to understand (편집) → Simplified Explanation of Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service Terms → 건강정보심사평가원 쉽게 이해하는 용어설명
- Special Account for Educational Expenses - Classification of Liabilities (편집) → Special Account for Educational Expenses:Classification of Liabilities → 교육비특별회계:부채의 분류